Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Human Eugenics - Shiv Swarodaya part 2

Shiva Swarodaya part 2 describes psycho and astro angle of Garbhadan sanskar. The shlokas basically describes how astral positions are responsible for ultimate ties of love and affections among husband and wife. Because astral positions control our breathing patterns and in turn breathing pattern is responsible for the psychological conditions of couple at the time of conception. 

In addition to above five 'tatwa' also play important role in this regard. Those who wants to design their child must consider them. The relevant shlokas in this regard are given below:-

स्वरज्ञानीबलादग्रे निष्फलं कोटिधा भवेत्।
इहलोके परत्रापि स्वरज्ञानी बली सदा।।

 जब एक करोड़ बल निष्फल हो जाते हैं, तब भी स्वरज्ञानी बलशाली बना सबसे अग्रणी होता है, अर्थात् भले ही एक करोड़ (हर प्रकार के) बल निष्फल हो जायँ, लेकिन स्वरज्ञानी का बल कभी निष्फल नहीं होता। स्वरज्ञानी इस लोक में और परलोक या अन्य किसी भी लोक में सदा शक्तिशाली होता है।
When all kinds of worldly powers or strength fail, a person perfect in Swarodaya science remains powerful in this world and other worlds too.

दशशतायुतं लक्षं देशाधिपबलं क्वचित्।
शतक्रतु सुरेन्द्राणां बलं कोटिगुणं भवेत्।।

एक मनुष्य के पास दस, सौ, दस हजार, एक लाख अथवा एक राजा के बराबर बल होता है। सौ यज्ञ करनेवाले इन्द्र का बल करोड़ गुना होता है। एक स्वरयोगी का बल इन्द्र के बल के तुल्य होता है।
 A Man may be powerful ten times, hundred time, ten thousand times or even like a king, but Indra, the performer of hundred Yajnyas, is crore times powerful and a Swarayogi is so powerful as Indra.

श्री देवी उवाच

परस्परं मनुष्याणां युद्धे प्रोक्तो जयस्त्वया।
यमयुद्धे समुत्पन्ने मनुष्याणां कथं जयः।।

इसके बाद माता पार्वती ने भगवान शिव से पूछा कि हे प्रभो, आपने यह तो बता दिया कि मनुष्यों के पारस्परिक युद्ध में एक योद्ध की विजय कैसे होती है। लेकिन यदि यम के साथ युद्ध हो, मनुष्यों की विजय कैसे होगी?
Then Mother Parvati tells Lord Shiva, “O God, you have told me how a fighter wins a war when men fight among themselves. Now let me know how men will invade the king of death.


ध्यायेद्देवं स्थिरो जीवं जुहुयाज्जीव सङ्गमे।
इष्टसिद्धिर्भवेत्तस्य महालाभो जयस्तथा।।

यह सुनकर भगवान शिव बोले- हे देवि, जो व्यक्ति एकाग्रचित्त होकर तीनों नाड़ियों के संगम स्थल आज्ञा चक्र पर ध्यान करता है, उसे सभी अभीष्ट सिद्धियाँ प्राप्त हो जाती हैं, महालाभ होता है (अर्थात् ईश्वरत्व की प्राप्ति होती है) और सर्वत्र सफलता मिलती है।
Then Lord Shiva said, “O Goddess, if a man concentrates on Ajnya centre at the meeting point of three nadis by becoming motionless, he achieves all what he desires, including all successes, and ultimately becomes one with the cosmic consciousness.”

निराकारात्समुत्पन्नं साकारं सकलं जगत्।
तत्साकारं निराकारं ज्ञाने भवति तत्क्षणात्।।

यह सम्पूर्ण दृश्य साकार जगत निराकार सत्ता से उत्पन्न है। जो व्यक्ति साकार जगत से ऊपर उठ जाता है, अर्थात् भौतिक चेतना से ऊपर उठकर सार्वभौमिक चेतना को प्राप्त कर लेता है, तभी उसे पूर्णत्व प्राप्त हो जाता है।
This visible world in forms has been produced by invisible cosmic consciousness. When a man becomes aware of this cosmic consciousness or becomes one with it, he immediately gets knowledge of everything, i.e. Sakar and Nirakar both.


नरयुद्धं  यमयुद्धं त्वया  प्रोक्तं महेश्वर।
इदानीं  देव देवानां  वशीकारणकं वद।।275।।

माँ पार्वती भगवान शिव से कहती हैं कि हे देवाधिदेव, आपने हमें बताया कि मनुष्यों और यम के साथ युद्ध में विजय कैसे पाया जाय। साथ ही मोक्ष आदि के सम्बन्ध में भी बताया। अब आप कृपा कर बताएँ कि दूसरों को अपने वश में किस प्रकार किया जाता है।
Goddess said to Lord Shiva, “O God of gods, you explained me how a war with men and Yama  (death) can be won with the help of knowledge of Swara. Now please let me know how to command (a person).”


चन्द्रं सूर्येण चाकृष्य  स्थापयेज्जीवमंडले।
आजन्मवशगा रामा कथितं यं तपोधनैः।। 276।।

भगवान शिव कहते हैं कि हे देवि, तपस्वी लोगों का कहना है कि यदि पुरुष अपने सूर्य स्वर से स्त्री के चन्द्र स्वर को ग्रहण कर अपने अनाहत चक्र में धारण करे, तो वह स्त्री आजीवन उसके वश में रहेगी।
Lord Shiva said, “O Goddess, according to the great preceptors, if a man breathes in the breath of a woman running in left nostril through his right nostril and holds it in his Anahat Chakra, the woman comes under his commands forever.  

जीवेन गृह्यते जीवो जीवो जीवस्य दीयते।
जीवस्थाने गतो जीवो बाला जीवान्तकारकः।। 277।।

पुरुष यदि स्त्री के प्रवाहित स्वर को अपने प्रवाहित स्वर के द्वारा ग्रहण करे और पुनः उसे स्त्री के सक्रिय स्वर में दे, तो वह स्त्री सदा उसके वश में रहती है।
If a man takes in the breath of a woman through his active nostril and again he allows the same breath taken in by the woman through her active nostril, the woman comes under his command forever.

रात्र्यन्तयामवेलायां  प्रसुप्ते कामिनिजने।।
ब्रह्मजीवं  पिबेद्यस्तु  बालाप्राणहरो नरः।।278।।

रात्रि में सो रही महिला के ब्रह्म-जीव (सक्रिय स्वर से निकलने वाली साँस) को यदि पुरुष अपने सक्रिय स्वर से अन्दर खींचता है, तो वह स्त्री उसके वश में हो जाती है।
If the breath of a woman, during her sleeps, taken in by a man, the woman comes under his commands.

अष्टाक्षरं  जपित्वा तु तस्मिन्  काले गते सति।
तत्क्षणं  दीयते चन्द्रो  तु मोहमायाति  कामिनी।।279।।

यदि पुरुष अष्टाक्षर मंत्र का जपकरके अपने चन्द्र स्वर को स्त्री के भीतर उसके सक्रिय स्वर में प्रवाहित करे, तो वह स्त्री उसके वश में हो जाती है।
A man after reciting Ashtakshar Mantra (a Mantra containing eight syllables), breath of his left nostril allows entering the active nostril of a woman, she remains always attracted by him.

शयने  वा प्रसङ्गे वा युवत्यालिङ्गनेSपि वा।
यः  सूर्येण पिबेच्चन्द्रं  स भवेन्मकरध्वजः।।280।।

यदि पुरुष लेटकर आलिंगन के समय अपने सूर्य स्वर से स्त्री के चन्द्र स्वर का पान करे, तो वह स्त्री उसके वश में हो जाती है।
if a man, either while lying or embracing, breathes in the breath of a woman, which should be flowing through her left nostril, through his right nostril, the woman comes under his command.

शिव आलिङ्ग्यते शक्त्या प्रसङ्गे दक्षिणेSपि वा।
तत्क्षणाद्दापयेद्यस्तु मोहयेत्कामिनीशतम्।।281।।

संभोग के समय यदि स्त्री का चन्द्र स्वर और पुरुष का सूर्य स्वर प्रवाहित हो और दोनों के स्वर परस्पर संयुक्त हो जायँ, तो पुरुष को सौ स्त्रियों को वश में करने की शक्ति मिल जाती है।
While going for intercourse if left nostril of the woman and right nostril of the man are active and the breath of both comes into contact, the man acquires the power to have command on hundred women.

सप्त नव त्रयः पञ्च वारान्सङ्गस्तु सूर्यभे।
चन्द्रे द्विचतुःषट्कृत्वा वश्या भवति कामिनी।।282।।

सूर्य स्वर के प्रवाह काल में यदि पुरुष का किसी स्त्री के साथ पाँच बार, सात बार या नौ बार संयोग हो अथवा चन्द्र स्वर के प्रवाह काल में दो बार, चार बार या छः बार संयोग हो, तो वह स्त्री सदा के लिए उस पुरुष के वश में होती है।
At the time when right nostril of a man is active and if he has intercourse with a lady five times, seven times or nine times or when left nostril is active and if he do two times, four times or six times, the woman will come under his command forever.

सूर्यचन्द्रौ समाकृष्य सर्वाक्रान्त्याSधरोठयोः।
महापद्म मुखं स्पृष्ट्वा बारम्बारमिदं चरेत्।।283।।

पुरुष के सूर्य स्वर तथा चन्द्र स्वर सम हों, तो उस समय पुरुष को अपनी साँस अन्दर खींचकर अपना पूरा ध्यान स्त्री के निचले होठ पर केन्द्रित करना चाहिए और जैसे ही सूर्य स्वर प्रधान हो, स्त्री के चेहरे को बार-बार स्पर्श करना चाहिए।
When breath of a man flows through both the nostril and he concentrates his mind on the lower lip of the woman by holding the breath in and as his only right nostril becomes fully active, he should touch her face repeatedly.

आप्राणामिति पद्मस्य यावन्निद्रावशं गता।
पश्चाज्जागृति वेलायां चोष्यते गलचक्षुषी।।284।।

जब स्त्री गहरी निद्रा में सो रही हो, उस समय पुरुष को उसके होठों को बार-बार उसके जगने तक चुम्बन करना चाहिए और उसके बाद उसके नेत्रों और गरदन का चुम्बन करना चाहिए।
At the time when the woman is sleeping in deep sleep, the man should kiss her lips till she awakes and thereafter he should kiss her eyes and neck.

अनेन विधिना कामी वशयेत्सर्वकामिनीः।
इदं न वाच्यमस्मिन्नित्याज्ञा परमेश्वरि।।285।।

हे पार्वती, इस प्रकार प्रेमी समस्त कामिनियों को अपने वश में कर सकता है। स्त्रियों को वश में करने का अन्य कोई उपाय नहीं है।
O Goddess Parvati, in these ways a lovers can have command over their partners. There is no other way to have command over women, except what were told.

ऋतुस्नाता रता नारी पञ्चमेSह्नि यदा भवेत्।
सूर्यचन्द्रमसोर्योगे सेवनात्पुत्र संभवः।।286।।

रजस्वला होने के पाँचवें दिन यदि स्त्री का चन्द्र स्वर प्रवाहित हो और पुरुष का सूर्य स्वर प्राहित हो, तो समागम करने से पुत्र उत्पन्न होता है।
If husband and wife have intercourse on the fifth day from the day menstruation starts and husband has right nostril breathing and wife left nostril breathing at the time, the wife will conceive and will be blessed with a male child.

शङ्खवल्लीं गवां दुग्धे पृथ्व्यापो वहते यदा।
भर्तृरेव वदेद्वाक्ये दर्प देहि त्रिभिर्वचः।।287।।

स्त्री गाय के दूध के साथ शंखवल्ली (एक प्रकार की बूटी) का सेवन कर प्रवाहित स्वर में पृथ्वी तत्त्व या जल तत्त्व का प्रवाह होने पर अपने पति से तीन बार पुत्र के लिए प्रार्थना करनी चाहिए।
First the woman should take Shankhavalli (a kind of creeper with medicinal property) with cow milk and when Prithvi Tattva or Jala Tattva is active in the breath, she should request her husband three times for having a son.

ऋतुस्नाता पिबेन्नारी ऋतुदानं तु योजयेत्।
रूपलावण्यसम्पन्नो नरसिंहः प्रसूयते।।288।।

ऋतुस्नान के समय यदि स्त्री उपर्युक्त पेय का सेवन करे और रजो-समाप्ति के दिन (रजस्वला होने के पाँचवे दिन) पति के साथ समागम करने पर गर्भधारण होता है तथा वह नरसिंह के समान पुत्र को जन्म देती है।
If a woman takes the above drink, i.e. Shankhavalli with cow milk, during menstruation period and have intercourse on the day it ceases (fifth day), she will conceive and blessed with a brave male child.

सुषुम्ना सूर्यवाहेन ऋतुदानं तु योजयेत्।
अङ्गीनः पुमान्यस्तु जायतेSत्र कुविग्रहः।।289।।

ऋतु-स्नान के पाँचवे दिन यदि स्त्री का सुषुम्ना स्वर का प्रवाह हो और पुरुष के सूर्य स्वर का प्रवाह हो, ऐसे समय में किए गए समागम के परिणाम स्वरूप गर्भाधान से अंगहीन और कुरूप पुत्र उत्पन्न होता है।
If a woman have intercourse on the fifth day of her menstruation period during flow of breath through both the nostril and her husband has right nostril breath at the time, she will have an ugly and physically handicapped son.

विषमाङ्के दिवारात्रौ विषमाङ्के दिनाधिपः।
चन्द्रेनेत्राग्नितत्त्वेषु वंध्या पुत्रमवाप्नुयात्।।290।।
ऋतु-स्नान के बाद विषम तिथियों को दिन अथवा रात्रि में जब पुरुष का सूर्य स्वर और स्त्री का चन्द्र स्वर प्रवाहित हो, दोनों का समागम होने पर बन्ध्या स्त्री को भी पुत्र की प्राप्ति होती है।
After cessation of menstruation if husband and wife have intercourse on odd dates (according to the lunar month) either during day or night, even a sterile or barren woman will conceive and will be blessed with a son.

ऋत्वारम्भे रविः पुंसां स्त्रीणां च सुधाकरः।
उभयोः सङ्गमे प्राप्तो वन्ध्या पुत्रमवाप्नुयात्।।291।।

ऋतु के आरम्भ में स्त्री का चन्द्र स्वर प्रवाहित हो और पुरुष का सूर्य स्वर प्रवाहित हो, ऐसे समय में सहवास करने से बन्ध्या स्त्री को भी पुत्र पैदा होता है।
If husband and wife have intercourse on the day of start of menstruation and husband has right nostril breathing and wife left nostril breathing at that time, even a sterile or barren woman will also be blessed with a son.

ऋत्वारम्भे रविः पुंसां शुक्रान्ते च सुधाकरः।
अनेन क्रमयोगेन नादत्ते कामिनीजनः।।292।।

ऋतु के आरम्भ में सहवास के समय पुरुष का सूर्य स्वर प्रवाहित हो रहा हो और स्खलन के समय अचानक चन्द्र स्वर प्रारम्भ हो जाय, तो गर्भ-धारण नहीं हो सकता।
As a result of intercourse on the first day of menstruation, conception cannot take place if the husband’s right nostril breath is suddenly changed to left nostril at the time of fall.

चन्द्रनाडी यदा प्रश्ने गर्भे कन्या तदा भवेत्।
सूर्यो भवेत् तदा पुत्रो द्वयोर्गर्भो विहन्यते।।293।।

यदि गर्भ के सम्बन्ध में कोई प्रश्न करे और स्वर-योगी (उत्तर देनेवाले) का उस समय यदि चन्द्र स्वर प्रवाहित हो, तो गर्भस्थ संतान कन्या और यदि सूर्य-स्वर प्रवाहित हो, तो पुत्र होता है। किन्तु यदि सुषुम्ना प्रवाहित हो, तो गर्भपात समझना चाहिए।
In case, someone asks about the issue being born as a result of pregnancy and at that time if the breath of Swar-yogi (answering authority) is flowing through left nostril, the answer will be that a female child is going to be born and if the breath is in the right nostril, birth of a male child can be predicted. But if breath is flowing through both the nostrils, prediction of abortion should be made.  
पृथिव्यां पुत्री जले पुत्रः कन्यका तु प्रभञ्जने।
तेजसि गर्भपातः स्यान्नभस्यपि नपुंसकः।।294।।

यदि प्रश्न के समय स्वर में पृश्वी या वायु तत्त्व प्रवाहित हो, तो गर्भस्थ संतान कन्या, जल तत्त्व प्रवाहित हो, तो पुत्र, अग्नि तत्त्व का प्रवाहकाल होने पर गर्भपात और आकाश तत्त्व का प्रवाह-काल होने पर नपुंसक संतान उत्पन्न होने का योग समझा जाय।
If Prithvi Tattva or Vayu Tattva is present in the breath at the time of query about the issue, birth of a female is predicted and if there is Jala Tattva, it is son. But in presence of Agni Tattva in the breath, prediction will be abortion and in presence of Akash Tattva, birth of eunuch is indicated.

चन्द्रे स्त्री पुरुषः सूर्ये मध्यमार्गे नपुंसकः।
गर्भप्रश्ने यदा दूतः पूर्णे पुत्रः प्रजायते।।295।।

प्रश्न काल में चन्द्र स्वर का प्रवाह हो तो लड़की होने की, सूर्य स्वर का प्रवाह हो तो लड़का होने की और यदि सुषुम्ना स्वर प्रवाहित हो तो नपुंसक संतान की उत्पत्ति समझनी चाहिए। उस समय यदि प्रश्नकर्त्ता का स्वर पूर्ण रूप से प्रवाहित हो तो पुत्र पैदा होने की भविष्यवाणी करनी चाहिए। 
If the breath is present in the left nostril at the time of query about an issue being born, a female child is predicted, presence of breath in right nostril indicates birth of a male child and if both nostrils are running, birth of an eunuch is predicted. But if at the time of query, the questioner has his breath full and free in any of the nostrils, birth of a male child is indicated.

शून्ये  शून्यं  युगे  युग्मं गर्भपातश्च संक्रमे।
तत्ववित्स विजानीयात् कथितं तत्तु सुन्दरि।।296।।

हे सुन्दरि, यदि शून्य स्वर के प्रवाह-काल में गर्भाधान नहीं होता, पर दोनों स्वर संतुलित रूप से प्रवाहित हो रहे हों, तो जुड़वाँ संतान होती है। लेकिन स्वर का संक्रमण काल होने पर गर्भाधान होता तो है, पर उसका पतन हो जाता है, ऐसा तत्त्ववादियों की मान्यता है।
O Beautiful Goddess, as a result of intercourse at the time of flow of breath through both nostrils, conception is not possible, but if balanced breath in both the nostrils is present, birth of twins takes place. But in case of conception during the transition of breath from one nostril to another indicates abortion as per wises.

गर्भाधानं मारुते स्याच्च दुःखी दिक्षु ख्यातो वारुणे सौख्ययुक्तः।
गर्भस्रावः स्वल्पजीवश्च वह्नौ भोगी भव्यः पार्थिवेनार्थयुक्तः।।297।।

वायु तत्त्व के प्रवाहकाल में हुए गर्भाधान के परिणाम स्वरूप उत्पन्न संतान दीन-हीन और अभागी होती है, जल तत्त्व के प्रवाहकाल में गर्भाधान से उत्पन्न संतान सुखी और गौरवशाली होती है, अग्नि तत्त्व में गर्भाधान ठहरता नहीं, यदि ठहर गया तो इस प्रकार उत्पन्न संतान अल्पायु होती है, पर पृथ्वी तत्त्व के प्रवाहकाल में हुए गर्भाधान के परिणाम स्वरूप उत्पन्न संतान धन-धान्य से युक्त आनन्द का उपभोग करनेवाली होती है।
If at the time of conception Vayu Tattva is present in the breath, the child being born will have miserable life, as a result of conception in presence of Jala Tattva indicates, a child is born with all name and fame and prosperity. In presence of Agni Tattva conception either impossible or in case it takes place, the child being born gets short life. But a child born as a result of conception during the flow of Prithvi Tattva in the breath, gets prosperity and all kinds of pleasure in its life.  

धनवान्  सौख्ययुक्तश्च  भोगवानर्थ  संस्थितिः।
स्यान्नित्यं वारुणे तत्त्वे व्योम्नि गर्भो विनश्यति।।298।।

जल तत्त्व के प्रवाहकाल में गर्भाधान से उत्पन्न संतान धन-धान्य और ऐश्वर्य से सम्पन्न होती है। परन्तु आकाश तत्त्व के प्रवाहकाल का गर्भाधान नहीं ठहरता।
A child born as a result conception during the presence of Jala Tattva in the breath, gets all kinds of prosperity and pleasures in his life. But in presence of Akash Tattva conception is not possible or abortion takes place.

महीन्द्रे  सुसुतोत्पत्तिर्वारुणे  दुहिता भवेत्।
शेषेषु गर्भहानिः स्याज्जातमात्रस्य वा मृतः।।299।।

पृथ्वी तत्त्व के प्रवाहकाल के गर्भ से सुपुत्र उत्पन्न होता है और जल तत्त्व के प्रवाहकालिक गर्भ से कन्या का जन्म होता है। जबकि अन्य तीन तत्त्वों के प्रवाहकाल में गर्भ नहीं ठहरता और यदि ठहर गया, तो उससे उत्पन्न संतान अल्पायु होती है।
As a result of conception during of presence  of Prithivi Tattva in the breath a worthy son will be born but in case of conception during presence of Jal Tattva, daughter will be born. Whereas during presence of other three Tattvas conception either does not take place or if it takes place, the child is born with short life. 

रविमध्यगतश्चन्द्रश्चन्द्रमध्यगतो   रविः।
ज्ञातव्यं गुरुतः शीघ्रं न वेदशास्त्रकोटिभिः।।300।।

सूर्य स्वर के मध्य में चन्द्र स्वर उदय हो अथवा चन्द्र स्वर के मध्य में सूर्य स्वर उदय हो, तो ऐसे समय में तुरन्त गुरु से मिलकर मार्ग-दर्शन लेना चाहिए। क्योंकि ऐसे समय में करोड़ों वेद, शास्त्र आदि ग्रंथ भी किसी काम के नहीं होते।
When left breath starts before completion of right breath or right breath starts before completion of left breath without any external effort, then it is advised to get guidance from the master of this science. Because in such situation all scriptures, including  Vedas  and other Shastras, are of no use.

                                                                                                                          ( be contiuned)

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Human Eugenics - How to design your child according to your choice

Tathagat Avatar Tulasi – the giant genius child – was designed to be a genius this was said by his parents when asked about his extraordinary mental capabilities. How it is possible and how a child can be designed according to parent’s choice, these are relevant questions which are to be discussed and answered. In fact it is possible and the Indian traditions have the answers.
How to impregnate the desired virtues, qualities, intelligence, smartness, stoutness, nature and characteristic features etc. in a child are much discussed in Indian traditions and after considerable work and experiences our ‘Rishis’ laid down certain principles regarding human eugenics. These principles can be learnt and applied by anyone who wants to be benefited by them. These principles work anywhere, everywhere and are practical even today.
The Rig Veda - ऋग्वेद,  Yajurveda यजुर्वेदGeeta गीताChanakya Neeti  चाणक्य नीति, Manu Smriti मनु स्मृति, Chhandohya Upanishad - छान्दोग्योपनिषद्, Vishnu Puran विष्णु पुराण, Brihdarnykopanishad  ब्रहदारन्यकोपनिषद, Bhav Prakash भाव प्रकाश, Sushrut Shareer Sthan  सुश्रुत शरीर स्थान, Charak Samhita  चरक संहिता, Shiv Swarodaya शिव स्वरोदय, Atharv Vediy Jyotisham  अथर्ववेदीय ज्योतिषम are few references from where we may get certain definite principles in this regard. 
The way Hindu lives, is wrapped around various rites called sixteen Sanskaras संस्कार. The Sanskar is said to be helping for achieving spiritual nourishment, peace of mind and ultimately mokshaमोक्ष. Sanskar gives a spiritual touch to the important events at different stages of a Hindu life - right from pre-birth to post-death. Out of sixteen Garbhadhan - गर्भाधान i.e. conception is the first sanskar. The conception is a point from where life begins. In fact human virtues, qualities and nature are determined at the time of conception.
The conception is a astro-physico-psycho-biochemico and spiritual process and is controlled by several factors. All aspects are to be considered while performing garbhadhan sanskar.
Atharv Vediy Jyotisham – अथर्ववेदीय ज्योतिषम prescribe certain guide lines in this regard. The relevant shlokas and their translations in Hindi and English are given below.

‘k’Bs   laHkors xHkZLrn~ oS’k’B% iz”kL;rsA
v/nsZ p{kqfu’ifRr fL=fHkekZlSLrq tk;rsAA

NBosa fnu xHkZ fLFkr gks tkrk gS vr% og Js’B gksrk gS vkSj 3&1@2 ekl esa xHkZLFk ckyd ds us=kfn vax cuus yxrs gSA
On sixth day, the pregnancy stabilizes, and it is best and after three and a half months, the eyes and other organs starts appearing.

_rq LokHkkfod L=h.kka jk=;% ‘kksM”k% Le`rk%A
prqfHkZfjrjS%  lk/kZegksfHk%       flf}xfgZrSAA

fL=;ksa ds _rq ds LokHkkfod fnu 16 ekus tkrs gSA ftuesa izkjEHk ds 4 fnu fuf’k} gS “ks’k fnuksa esa xHkkZ/kku djuk pkfg;sA

Usually sixteen days are normal for a woman. The initial four days are to be avoided and remaining days are recommended for conception.

rklkek|k”prl Lrq fufUnÙkSdkn”khrq ;kA
=;ksn”khp  “ks’kkL;q%  iz”kLrk% n”kjk=;%AA

izFke pkj jkf=;ka X;kjgoh jkf=  vkSj rsjgoh jkf= ;s N% fnu rks fufUnr gS] “ks’k nl fnu “kqHk ekus tkrs gSA

First four nights, eleventh and thirteenth nights i.e. these six days are inauspicious and remaining ten days are auspicious.

;qXekl iq=k% tk;Urs fL=;ks·;qXeklq jkf=’kqA
rLekn~ ;qXeklqiq=kFkhZ lafo”ks nkrZosfL=;ke~AA

;qXe tSls 2&4&6&8 bR;kfn la[;k okyh jkf=;ksa esa xHkkZ/kku djus ls iq= tUe gksrk gS vkSj v;qXe tSls 1&3&5 bR;kfn la[;k okyh jkf= esa laHkksx djus ls dU;k dk tUe gksrk gS] blfy;s iq= dh bPNk okyksa dks pkfg;s fd jtks/keZ ds Ik”pkr ;qXe fnuksa esa gh xHkkZ/kku djsaA

Conception on even nights i.e. 2-4-6- 8 will result in to a male child whereas odd nights i.e. 1-3-5-7 is responsible for female. Therefore conception should be managed according to choice of the sex of the baby.

iqeku~ iqlks·f/kds “kqdzs L=h HkoR;f/kds fL=;%A
lesiqeku~   iqfL=;ksok {kh.ks  pkYis foi;Z;%AA

;fn iq:’k dk oh;Z cyoku gksxk rks iq= lUrku gksxh vkSj ;fn L=h dk jt izcy gqvk rks dU;k dk tUe gksxkA;fn nksuks ds jt oh;Z leku cyh gq, rks dHkh ckyd dHkh dU;k gksrh gSA ;fn {kh.k oh;Z ;k vYi oh;Z gksxk rc dU;k;s vf/kd gksxhA

The sex of a child depends on the strongness or weakness of the ‘Virya’ or ‘Raj’ of man and women respectively. The strong ‘Virya’ results in to a male child and strong ‘Raj’ is responsible for female child. If both are equally strong, then sometimes male and sometimes female child is conceived.  Infirm or feeble ‘Virya’ is responsible for a girl.

prqF;kZ  tk;rs iq=ks·Yik;qxqZ.k oftZr%A
fo|kpkj ifjHkz’Vks nfjnz% Dys”kHkktu%AA

pkSFkh jkf= esa xHkkZ/kku ls tks iq= gksrk gS] og vYik;q okyk xq.kksa ls jfgr] fu;e ,oa vkpkj fopkjksa dks u ekuus okyk] nfjnzh vkSj nq%[kh jgus okyk gksrk gSA

The fourth night male child will be short lived, least virtuous, non-conforming according to norms and values, impecunious and with full of troubles.

iTpE;ka ukjh ‘k’B;ka iq=Lrq iq=oku~A
lIrE;ka  iztka   dU;ke’Ve;keh”oj% lqr%AA

ikapoh jkf= esa xHkkZ/kku ls dU;k mRiUu gksrh gSA NBoh jkf= esa djus ls iq= mRiUu gksrk gS] lkroh esa dU;k o vkBoh jkf= esa xHkkZ/kku djus ls HkkX;oku ~ iq= mRiUu gksrk Gsa

Fifth night is responsible for a female child, sixth for male, seventh for female and eighth for a gifted son.

uoE;ka lqHkxk  ukjh n”kE;ka izoj% lqr%A
,dkn”;ke/kekZ L=h }kn”;ka iq:’kksÙke%AA

uoeha jkf= esa laLdkj ls lkSHkkX;orh dU;k mRiUu gksrh gSA n”koh jkf= esa Js’B ¼iq:’k½ iq= dk tUe gksrk gSA X;kgoha jkf= esa v/kekZpj.k djus okyh dU;k gksrh gS vkSj ckjgoha jkf= esa iq:’kksa esa Js’B iq= gksrk gSA

The extreme fortunate girl child is the outcome of ninth night, and tenth night is responsible for a virtuous male child. The eleventh night produces a girl child who does not follow religious customs whereas the twelfth night gives the miraculous male child.

=;ksn”;ka loZ “kBkikik o.kZ ldajdkfj.khA
Tkk;rs loZ  nq’Vk L=h nq%[k”kkdHk; iznkAA

rsjgoh jkf= esa xHkkZ/kku djus ls ew[kZ ikikjpj.k djus okyh] o.kZ”kadj lUrku mRiUu djus okyh rFkk nq%[k ,oa “kksdiznk nq’Vk dU;k dk tUe gksrk gSA
The conception in thirteenth night gives birth to a stupid, amorous, sorrow producing and wicked girl child and her off springs will be misbegotten.

/keZK”p d`rK”p “kkflrkRek riks fuf/k%A
Tkk;rs p prqnZ”;ka   firso txr% ifrAA

pkSngoha jkf= ds xHkZ ls /kekZRek] d`rK] vius Åij fu;a=.k j[kus okyk riL;k djus okyk ,oa lalkj ij vf/kdkj j[kus okyk] firk ds leku iq= mRiUu gksrk gSA

The fourteenth night gives birth to a religious, grateful, self-controlled, austere-ascetic male child who will rule over the world like his father.

jktiRuh egkHkkxk jkto”ka xrk% L=;%A
tk;rs iTpn”;karq  cgqHkksxk ifrozrk%AA

iUnzgos fnu xHkkZ/kku djus ls jktoa”kksa ds leku lqUnj] vf/kd HkkX;”kkyh] vf/kd lq[kksa dks Hkksxus okyh rFkk ifrozrk dU;k mRiUu gksrh gSA

The fifteenth day conception will result in to the most beautiful, lucky princes who will enjoy all worldly pleasures. She will prove a faithful wife.

fo|ky{k.klEiUu% lR;oknh ftrsfUnz;%A
vk/kkj% loZ Hkwrkuka iksML;ka; iztk;rsAA

lksygoha jkf= ds xHkZ ls] fo}ku] lR; cksyus okyk] ftrsfUnz; ,oa lcdk ikyu djus okyk iq= mRiUu gksrk gSA

The sixteenth day is characterized with a learned, truthful boy who will have perfect control over his senses and is obedient.

dU;krq fodys Ks;k ;qXes Hkofr ekuo%A
r`rh;k larfr;ZL; rnj{ksr~ dqynw’kdeAA

Åuh la[;k dh jkf=;ka tSls 1]3]5 bR;kfn esa xHkZ jgus ls dU;k dk tUe gksrk gS vkSj iw.kZ la[;k tSls 2]4]6 bR;kfn ds xHkZ ls iq= dk tUe gksrk gS rFkk blds foijhr rhljh lUrku Dyho ;k uiqlad ls cpuk pkfg, D;ksfd og dqy esa dyad yxkus okyh gksrh gSA

The conception during odd nights like 1-3-5 etc. results in to a girl child whereas boy is conceived during even nights i.e. 2-4-5 etc. One should avoid third gender i.e. eunuch because it is blot to a family.

lIresa  fiz;rs  tUrq LrUeqgwrZefr otZ;sr~A
Lukrk;ka n”keh rL;ka Jkna r= footZ;srAA

HkkokFkZ&lkroh jkf= esa xHkkZ/kku djus ls ckyd dh e`R;q gks tkrh gS]blfy;s bldks R;kx nsosA n”koh jkf= ds xHkZ ls v;ksX; lUrku gksrh gS tks J)kfnd deZ ugha djrh A

The conception in the seventh night leads to the death of child therefore it is to be avoided.  The offspring who is conceived during tenth night will not perform ‘Shardha’ and other religious ceremonies. 

vaxknax   laHkwra Loeaxe   f/kfr’BfrA
firk iq=RoekiUuks tk;rs fez;rs fiokAA

vax izR;ax ds lEidZ ls laUrku dh mRifRr gksrh gS] firk gh lUrku ds :Ik esa tUe ysrk gS vkSj ogh e`R;q dks Hkh izkIr gksrk gSA firk dk gh :Ik iq=kfn lUrku eku x;h gSA ;Fkk& ^^vkRekoS tk;rs lquw%^^

A son is result of intimate contacts of all body parts and father is born in the form of son. Son is the embodiment of his father and father dies at his death. In fact son represents his father.

,oeso  f=fHkHkkZoS%  lUrfr”p       iqu%A
vfPNUuks nsorLrarq iztkLrLHkkr~ iztk;rsAA

mijksDr iq= dU;k vkSj Dyho ;s rhuksa :iksa esa ckj&ckj lUrku dk tUe gksrk gSA nSo ds lEcU/k ls oa”k dh o`f} ds fy;s gh iq= dk tUe gksrk gSA

Thus off springs are created in the form of male child, female child and eunuch but by grace of god the progeny grows with the male child.

ifrla;ksxdkysrq dU;k fo?ua djksfrp%A
vaiqLRoa yHkrs tue ;= ;=ksitk;rsAA

ifr ds la;ksx ds le; tks L=h fo/uz djrh gS mldks vU; tUeksa esa dHkh Hkh ifr ,oa iq= dk lq[k ugha gksrk gSA

The woman who creates obstacles during union will never be adored by his husband or son.

These are few fundamental principles which are to be observed during garbhadhan sanskar i.e. conception. Every one desires for a healthy, intelligent, obedient and virtuous off springs but only few know how to manage it. Answer is here. Further details are given in several other texts. If any couple desire so they should learn and practice them.
                                                                                     (......... to be continued)

 Note - Krutidev 010 font is required for Hindi and Sanskrit text.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Why it is scientific to work with right hand

Our society is dominated by the people who usually work with right hand. World's 70% to 90% population is right handed and remaining 5% to 30% are left handers. Few are ambidextrous i.e. they may work efficiently with both hands. When we say a person is right hander or left hander, it means that he perform his most of the functions precisely and perfectly in a natural way either by right hand or left hand.

Why it is so and why most of the societies insist for working with right hand and sometimes left handers are supposed to be some sort of deviants?  Before answering this question we should consider following three points in this regard.

First, our brain is divided in to two segments. The left is engaged with the computations, calculations, reasons, and other rational and logical activities, where as emotions, imaginations, poetry, art work etc. are controlled by the right segment. It means when we do daily routine works which requires reasoning and logic our left brain segment is active, and actively participating and analyzing the various performances which we are doing. But at the same time emotions and imaginations etc. need right segment activated. Thus activation of the concerned brain segment is must for the successful performance of any activity.

Second point relates with our breathing pattern which is always unequal which means at a given point of time we inhale and exhale more air by a nostril in comparison to other. Our body has three naadis i.e. Chandra Nadi or Ida, Surya Naadi or Pingala and Sushumna Nadi. The 'Ida' is associated with left nostril. When we inhale and exhale dominantly with left nostril the 'Ida' is active. In contrast to this when breathing is dominant by right nostril the 'Pingala' is active. And when we inhale and exhale equally by both nostrils, the Sushumna Naadi is said to be active and dominant. This dominance changes alternatively after a definite period and is controlled by the time, day and position of sun and moon. 

The third point, it is established that when we inhale by left nostril the right brain segment is activated and left segment is activated when we breath dominantly with right nostril.

Now further a question arises how to activate our brain segment according to activity? It is observed that nostril dominance is related with the side on which either we concentrate or put a little strain on any part of the body of that particular side. It means when we concentrate on any object or part of the body which is located on our right side or stress on any part of  body which is in right side, we will immediately start breathing with right nostril and if that object or stress is present on the left side, the left side nostril will dominate. If we keep an object in front of us and concentrate over it, we will start breathing equally with both nostrils.

The above equation was discovered by our 'Rishis'. They developed a device by which the breathing pattern was conformed, as it should be, according to time, day and position of sun and moon. They know the standard pattern of breath at a particular time, and manages it accordingly, if it does not conform to the desired patterns. This was done by 'Yoga Danda' which is approximately 20 to 24 inches wooden danda, having a U shaped small structure on the upper side to rest an arm comfortably. If right arm is placed on the Yoga Danda, immediately one start breathing with right nostril and if opposite is done, the left nostril is activated. Thus the only use of this small 'Yoga Danda' is to regulate breathing pattern and nothing else.

Yoga Danda
Yoga Danda

This can be experienced by any one at any time. Stretch right hand in front of shoulder, parallel to earth, it will immediately make start breathing with right nostril. Next time, stretch left hand in the same manner left nostril will become dominant. Briefly it can be said, that our nostril dominance is regulated by the hand by which we work.

Using the Yoga Danda for Japa meditation
Breath control by Yoga Danda

 Now for the successful performance of daily routine activities where less emotions and imaginations are needed, the left segment of brain is required to be activated. It is done by right nostril dominance which in turn achieved by working with right hand. That's why it is insisted to become a right hander. 

Contrary to this most of the extra ordinary artists, fiction writer, poets, musicians etc. are usually left hander. Here logic and reasoning play secondary role.

There may be exception to it but the concept behind being right hander is based on the factors discussed above. Any one may experience it while performing various activities. It is scientific to work with right hand.


Tuesday, 14 July 2015

The Health benefits of blowing Shankh or Conch

Shankh or conch has a special relevance for every Hindu and most of them either keep it in their houses or use it during pooja or special offerings. Shankh is said to possess several spiritual and mysterious powers. However, if it is blown in a correct and proper manner, it has tremendous positive bearings on our physical and mental health.  The appropriate process of blowing of Shankh is given below:-

Sit comfortably in Siddhasan or Padmasan or Sukhasan, with straight spinal cord and neck. Your tail bone i.e. lower part of lumber or cocci should not touch the surface on which you sit. Inhale as much air as you can and retain it for a while and then exhale. Do it for two to three times. After that, put mouth of Shankh between the lips, slightly on the right side, and slowly and with no effort or with little effort, blow the air inside the opening of the Shankh. Do it, as many times as you like to do or feel pleasure in doing so. In first attempt, the Shankh may not blow but be sure, that success is to come after few repeated efforts. What you need only persistent and consistent efforts in this regard.  

In the process of blowing Shankh our body respond in the manner given here. During Shankh blowing, when we inhale, the air is retained in lungs and stomach, our navel region is pushed inside and lower abdominal muscles along with rectal muscles contract and stretched. The rectal muscles are pushed inside and stretched upward. These muscles are released as we exhale and navel region expands. At time of blowing of Shankh blood start gushing in to head region and brain. This is most important aspect of blowing Shankh.

In the above process of Shankh blowing, as per my observations, our body is benefited in the following ways:-

* Rectal muscles are contracted and move upward as long as shankh is blown. This is an excellent exercise of rectal muscles  and prevent various problems which appears due to gradual weakening of these muscles.
*With the pressure on prostrate area, it turns to be only exercise to improve prostrate health and prevent its enlargement.
*Excellent exercise for urinary bladder and urinary tract.
*The only exercise for diaphragm muscles.
*Toning up of chest muscles.
*Lungs are expanded and their aerial capacity is improved. Air retention is also improved.
*Complete and perfect stretching of neck muscles which is otherwise impossible.
* No exercise for vocal cord and thyroid other than blowing of Shankh.
*It is good massage for ear, eyes, nose.
*Short muscles of face are stretched and no exercise exists which can substitute it.
*When blood of entire body is forced to come in head region, and obviously blood carries nutrients with it, it helps to improve the health of the head and face skin.
*More blood and consequently nutrients in head skin ultimately results in to better growth, development and health of hairs. In fact, it is my experience that by blowing Shankh, hair fall is completely prevented, whitening of hair is stopped and white hair start turning black.

Over and above, the sound generated, during blowing of shankh, has a specific significance. It originates at particular wave length and frequency. If one remains under its influence for some time, it prepare and facilitate Dhyana i.e. meditation. Dhyana becomes easy after blowing Shankh.

But at the same time due care must be taken to initiate the process. Blowing of Shankh must be learnt from a person who can perform it easily or by a person who can guide in this regard. Careless blowing sometimes may cause hernia or may damage ear or eyes muscles. Some times diaphragm muscles may rupture. The usual mistake, generally people do while blowing Shankh, they inhale through mouth, instead of nose. When we inhale through mouth, air goes to our stomach, which is not meant to retain air. Further, only small quantity of air could be held and stored in it. When stomach is expanded due to air retention, the lungs are compressed and air volume is reduced in them which is not conducive for Shankh blowing.  Therefore it is advised to learn it gradually and slowly under the guidance of a regular performer.

The health benefits of blowing of Shankh or conch are tremendous and one who does it daily will enjoy better and perfect health throughout his life. It is the best way to prevent the ailments and keep body fit. Its few minutes practice will make body free from all kinds of psycho-somatic ailments.  

Note:- More than 2500 people visited this article. After going through it if you are planning to blow shankh you may learn correct method of it's blowing on the following link -