Monday 15 August 2016

हिन्दू शब्द की उत्पत्ति

हिन्दू शब्द अरबी लुटेरो का दिया हुआ नहीं है ।
जब भी हिन्दू शब्द की चर्चा होती है तो कथित
बुद्धिजीवी यही कहता है कि ''सिंधु से हिन्दू'' हुआ ,
अरबी लुटेरे ''स'' हो ''ह'' कहते थे इस लिए सिंधु
को हिन्दू कहने लगे ।
दरअसल अरबी लुटेरो ने जब सिंधु नदी को पार किया तो इसे ''सिंधुस्तान'' कहा जो उच्चारण में ''हिन्दुस्तान''
हो गया जबकि ये गलत है ।
हिन्दू शब्द का उल्लेख वेद और पुराणो में पहले से
ही मौजूद है ।
1-ऋग्वेद के बृहस्पति आगम में हिन्दू शब्द का उल्लेख इस प्रकार आया है......
"हिमालयं समारभ्य यावत इन्दुसरोवरं ।
तं देवनिर्मितं देशं हिन्दुस्थानं प्रचक्षते।।
हिमालय से इंदु सरोवर तक देव निर्मित देश
को हिंदुस्तान कहते हैं.
2- सिर्फ वेद ही नहीं......बल्कि..मेरुतंत्र ( शैव
ग्रन्थ ) में हिन्दू शब्द का उल्लेख इस प्रकार
किया गया है.....
"हीनं च दूष्यतेव् हिन्दुरित्युच्च ते प्रिये।"
जो अज्ञानता और हीनता का त्याग
करे उसे हिन्दू कहते हैं.
3- और इससे मिलता जुलता लगभग यही श्लोक
कल्पद्रुम में भी दोहराया गया है.......
" हीनं दुष्यति इति हिन्दू ।"
जो अज्ञानता और हीनता का त्याग करे
उसे हिन्दू कहते है।
4- पारिजात हरण में हिन्दू को कुछ इस प्रकार
कहा गया है....
" हिनस्ति तपसा पापां दैहिकां दुष्टं ।
हेतिभिः शत्रुवर्गं च स हिन्दुर्भिधियते ।।"
जो अपने तप से शत्रुओं का दुष्टों का और
पाप का नाश कर देता है वही हिन्दू है.
5- माधव दिग्विजय में भी हिन्दू शब्द को कुछ इस
प्रकार उल्लेखित किया गया है........
"ओंकारमन्त्रमूलाढ्य पुनर्जन्म द्रढ़ाश्य:।
गौभक्तो भारतगरुर्हिन्दुर्हिंसन दूषकः ।।
वो जो ओमकार को ईश्वरीय धुन माने
कर्मों पर विश्वास करे, गौपालक रहे तथा बुराइयों को दूर रखे वो हिन्दू है.
6- केवल इतना ही नहीं हमारे ऋग्वेद ( ८:२:४१ ) में
विवहिन्दू नाम के बहुत ही पराक्रमी और
दानी राजा का वर्णन मिलता है जिन्होंने 46,000
गौमाता दान में दी थी.
और ऋग्वेद मंडल में भी उनका वर्णन मिलता है।
7- ऋग् वेद में एक ऋषि का उल्लेख मिलता है
जिनका नाम सैन्धव था जो मध्यकाल में आगे चलकर
"हैन्दव/हिन्दव" नाम से प्रचलित हुए ... जिसका बाद
में अपभ्रंश होकर हिन्दू बन गया।
उपर्युक्त विवेचना से हिन्दू शब्द की व्युत्पत्ति के संबंध में समस्त भ्रांतियों का निराकरण हो जाता है.

Sunday 29 May 2016

The scientific method of blowing Shankh or Conch

After knowing various health benefits of shankh blowing it becomes important to know how to blow it in a correct and proper manner so that we get maximum benefits without any ill effects.   
Naturally occurring conch shells are slightly cut at the mouth to open the cavity. The shell is blown by vibrating the lips and applying them onto the shell mouth. The shell sound is highly resonating without any trace of hissing noise when blown properly. The frequency of the blower’s lip vibration must be adjusted so that one of the harmonics matches with the shell cavity fundamental frequency.
When we blow shankh through the pointed tip, the air is pushed with pressure inside the open cavity and when the frequency of lip vibration matches a resonance frequency of shell cavity, a clear tone is produced. By adjusting lip tension and air speed different frequencies are produced by a blower.
In yoga camp 25 experienced performers were requested to blow shankh and blowing was recorded from beginning to end. And after consultation and discussion, the blowing procedure was standardized in the following manner:-
(A)Four to seven minutes light physical exercises like jogging, slow running, jumping in different styles and patterns, bending of body in different and both directions etc.
(B) After warming up, and up to the completion of the entire process, eyes are closed.
(C) Sit in sukhasan i.e. any sitting pose in which we may sit comfortably or padmasana i.e. cross leg sitting position or ardh-padmasana one leg on other leg. The entire blowing process takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes so practitioner should be able to sit comfortably without any disruption.
(D)Deep nasal breathing 4 to 6 times.
(E) Anulom-vilom pranayam which involves:-
1.     Put right hand thumb on right nostril.
2.     Middle finger on fore head.
3.     Fourth finger on left nostril.
4.     First inhaling from left nostril and blocking right nostril and then go ahead as given under.
5.     Blocking of left nostril and exhaling from right nostril.
6.     After that inhaling from right nostril while left nostril remains blocked and then,
7.     Right nostril is blocked and air is exhaled through left nostril.
8.     Thus one cycle of anulom-vilom pranayama involves four steps. First inhaling from left nostril, second exhaling from right, third inhaling from right nostril and finally fourth exhaling from the left.
9.     Deep breathing is recommended in all four steps.
10. Breathing must be noise less even one should not feel the sound of his own breathing and air should enter and exit through nostril as we sip liquid through a straw.
11. At least 10 to 12 cycles of anulom-vilom pranayama are recommended.
(F)  Holding of conch with right hand and left hand in chin mudra i.e. making a loop with the end point of thumb and index finger and keeping remaining three fingers straight.
(G)The fingers are not inserted inside the opening of shankh.
(H)Twice deep nasal inhaling and exhaling. After that twice deep nasal inhaling and exhaling through mouth.  
(I)    Putting mouth of shankh on lips, slightly on right side.
(J)    The neck should be extended at atlanto-occipital joint so that mouth opening and air way come in a straight line.
(K)Deep nasal inhaling and exhaling into shankh opening through mouth.
(L)  The process is to be repeated from three to five to ten to twelve times or up to any times, as per strength and aptitude.
(M) After that taking rest in the same posture and watching movements of breaths with closed eyes.
(N)Finally and gradually, taking one’s own time, the eyes may be opened.
     This entire process will take approximately 12 - 15 minutes and the sound during blowing will be homogeneous and distributed uniform. By doing blowing this way the possibility of injury is minimum and exercise of all body parts is done. The process can be repeated several times as per stamina and attitude. 

Tuesday 29 December 2015

How thick our pillow should be?

To avoid back pain we are often advised to sleep on hard mattresses and use thin pillow approximately one to two inches thick, so that natural alignments of individual vertebrae is not disturbed and they do not come together due to unnecessary bending of spine and compress each other. Anyhow if two vertebrae compress each other, they will constrict various nerves coming out of them which may usually lead to pain in the back or in some other parts of the body. Therefore to avoid back pain we must keep our spinal cord in natural and proper alignment and use a thin pillow. The following diagram shows the correct position of our spinal cord.

So it is required that our spinal cord should remain in its natural position and this is to be maintained even during our sleep. Thin pillow may be useful when we sleep straight on our back and it de-stress us up to large extent. This type of sleeping pose is given in the following pictorial.

Here a question arises that how long we can sleep in this position i.e. on our back? This position remains for few minutes only. After that we either turn right or left. It is astro-physico requirement due to nostril dominance or swar/naadi uday which is controlled by the movement of sun and moon. Our body has three naadis i.e. Surya Nadi or Ida, Chandra Naadi or Pingala and Sushumna Nadi. The 'Ida' is associated with left nostril. When we inhale and exhale dominantly with left nostril the 'Ida' is active. In contrast to this when breathing is dominant by right nostril the 'Pingala' is active. And when we inhale and exhale equally by both nostrils, the Sushumna Naadi is said to be active and dominant. This dominance changes alternatively after a definite period and is controlled by the time, day and position of sun and moon. The position remains same in the night even when we sleep. So it is mandatory to inhale dominantly by one nostril at a time. The equal inhaling by both nostrils is exceptional and is required when we practice different stages of yoga like asanas, pranayam, dhyana, samadhi etc.

       Our body is made in such a fashion that when we sleep on our left, the left nostril is blocked and we start inhaling with right nostril. Likewise when we sleep on right side the right nostril is blocked and left nostril is open for breathing. It means that a particular nostril is blocked on the side which we sleep. But when we sleep on our back both nostrils breathe equally. This pose in yoga parlance is termed as shavasana i.e. pose in which dead body is kept. So when we sleep straight on our back we are in shavasana i.e. pose for dead body which is not required at all.

        So it is our compulsion to sleep either left or right. If we sleep on either side without pillow or with thin pillow initially our hand will support our skull for a while and later on hand is removed from the position and our head bends down one side. This position continues as long as we sleep and an undesirable stress occurs in spinal cord as depicted in the following pictorial. 

           This perpetual continuos bending of neck during sleep ultimately lead neck vertebrae to compress each other and constricts nerves coming out of them. The continuous sleeping in such manner for a long time will definitely lead to deformities in spinal cord. This is one of the root cause of neck pain or back pain.

           When it is mandatory and clear to us that we have to sleep either our left side or right side, therefore we should do all possible efforts to keep our neck vertebrae straight during sleep. During sleep the position of our spinal cord is supposed to be like this.

            Here we see that person sleeping is using a pillow which is equally thick to his shoulder.To attain this position the thickness of our pillow should be equal to the length of our shoulder.  This will keep our skull and cervical vertebrae allinged with the rest of the body. The individual vertebra will not bend and compress one another, irrespective of any side we sleep and one major reason for back pain is avoided.

           Therefore answer to the question is that, ‘our pilloe should be as thick as the length of our shoulder’.

Sunday 13 December 2015

अगरबत्ती और हमारा स्वास्थ्य

वर्तमान में हमारी पूजा पद्धति में अगरबत्ती जलाना लगभग अनिवार्य है. जबकि सनातन व्यवस्था में पूजा के उपरान्त  विभिन्न प्रकार की सूखी वनस्पतियों, वृक्षों की पत्तियों, गाय के घी तथा अन्य वानस्पतिक उत्पादों से हवन करना अथवा धूप जलाना प्राविधानित है. अगरबत्ती का प्रादुर्भाव एवं प्रयोग कब और कैसे प्रारम्भ हुआ यह शोध का विषय हो सकता है लेकिन इसके जलने से और इसका धुआं एवं गंध श्वास के साथ शरीर में जाने के कारण इसका स्वास्थ्य पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव सुस्थापित हो चुका है.

अगरबत्ती प्रायः बांस की सींक के ऊपर organic  एवं   inorganic  केमिकल/पदार्थो का लेप करके बनाई जाती है. इसके जलने पर बांस भी जलता है. बांस में lead  एवं  heavy metals  प्रचुर मात्र में होते है.  Lead जलने पर lead oxide बनाता जो कि एक खतरनाक   neuro-toxic   है. Heavy metals  भी जलने पर oxides बनाते है. पूजा के दौरान Lead oxide एवं heavy metals  के अन्य oxides श्वास के साथ शरीर में प्रवेश कर जाते है.

अगरबत्ती के जलने से उत्पन्न हुयी सुगंध के प्रसार के लिए phthalate नाम के विशिष्ट केमिकल का प्रयोग किया जाता है. यह एक phthalic acid  का ester  होता है. यह neuro-toxic एवं  hepato-toxic होता है. यह भी श्वास के साथ शरीर में प्रवेश करता है.

इस प्रकार अगरबत्ती की तथाकथित सुगंध अपने साथ nero-toxics  एवं  hepato-toxics को भी श्वास के साथ शरीर में पहुंचाती है. इन toxic substances की लेशमात्र उपस्थित कैंसर अथवा मस्तिष्क आघात का कारण बन सकती है. Hepato-toxics की थोड़ी सी मात्रा liver को नष्ट करने के लिए पर्याप्त है. और जो प्रतिदिन घंटो इन toxics को ग्रहण करते है उनकी स्थिति का अंदाज सहजता से लगाया जा सकता है.

भारतीय सनातन परम्पराओ में बांस का जलाना निषिद्ध है. कहा जाता है की यदि बांस की लकड़ी से चूल्हा जलाया गया तो वंश नष्ट होने से कोई रोक नहीं सकता. ऐसा निषेध क्यों प्राविधानित किया गया था, यह उपरोक्त विवेचन से स्पष्ट है. बांस का प्रयोग शव यात्रा के समय टिकटी बनाने में किया जाता है और इसे चिता में भी जलाया नहीं जाता. इस परंपरा का यही वैज्ञानिक आधार है.
आज अगबत्ती का अरबो रुपये का कारोबार है. इससे किसको क्या फायदा हो रहा है आप अच्छी तरह से समझ सकते है.        

Thursday 19 November 2015

Yoga nidra – a wonderful process of mental and physical relaxation

The ‘nidra’ or sleep may be defined as a normal active state of all living creatures when the mind and body are less responsive. It recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. It is considered to be restorative process and rejuvenate both body and mind.

Broadly, sleep is divided in to two parts i.e. rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. REM sleep is associated with eye movements, dreaming, desynchronized and faster brain waves, loss of muscle tone, and suspension of homeostatis. In NREM there is usually little or no eye movement, the dreaming is rare, and muscles are not paralyzed as in REM sleep and the mindset of a person is more organized.

The quantum of sleep or duration mainly depends on age, profession and health conditions. Usually a normal adult needs approximately 7 to 10 hours daily sleep depending on the physical and mental work he performs in the day.

The sleep is controlled by various astro-psycho-physico-physiological and metabolic biological factors. Among all factors astrological factors for sleep have great relevance because now it is well established that the circadian rhythms have direct bearings on the sleep. In other words the alternate day and night have direct impact on human sleep.

Our sleep is controlled by two hormones secreted by pineal body i.e. melatonin and cortisol. The melatonin is a sleep inducing hormone whereas cortisol is responsible for awakening. The secretion of these hormones is controlled by biological clock set in our body. When sun sets the pineal body starts secreting melatonin and process continue till mid night and after mid night melatonin secretion starts reducing and cortisol production is started in place of melatonin and its peak concentration reaches before a person wake up.

The secretion of these two hormones is directly controlled by our biological clock and life style. After hard work of the day body need physical and mental rest to rejuvenate through sleep. Therefore in the evening melatonin i.e. sleep inducing hormone is required and in combination with physical and mental fatigue man starts sleeping quickly and rejuvenates maximum. But after midnight wake up hormone i.e. cortisol appears which gradually induces awakening and in the morning when its concentration is on peak we wake up.

So when we are tired and need sleep to rejuvenate, the sleep inducing hormone is present and after rejuvenation when our mental and physical fatigues are over, the awakening hormone acts upon our body. This is the astro-psycho-physico and biological cum metabolical equation of sleep. That is why in all societies maxim ‘early to bed and early to rise’ is preached and practiced. It is ideal to go bed by 9.00 or 9.30 PM and if it is done so our wake time will automatically come to 4.00 or 4.30 AM. This sleeping time is synchronized with astro-bio- physico and metabolic factors and gains from the sleep are maximum. If we go bed early we wake maximum fresh and energetic but if we sleep late in the night the morning is not as good as in the case of early-night sleep. 

A question arises that what will happen if due to compulsions of modern life style  we fail to manage adequate and proper sleep as described above, the specialists answer the question in the following manners:-
(a)Short sleep duration i.e. <5 or 5-6 hours increases risk for high BP by 350% to 500% compared to those who slept longer than 6 hours per night.
(b)Young people (25-49 years of age) are twice as likely to get high BP if they sleep less.
(c)Individuals who sleep less than 5 hours a night have a 3-fold increased risk of heart attacks.
(d)Just one night of sleep loss increases very toxic substances in body such as Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and C-reactive protein (CRP). They also cause cancer, arthritis and heart disease.
(e)Sleeping for <=5 hours per night leads to 39% increase in heart disease. Sleeping for <=6 hours per night leads to 8% increase in heart disease.

In our modern life style sometimes we do not sleep as described above and remain awake when our body secretes melatonin i.e. sleep inducing hormone. But we go to sleep just before midnight or after midnight when cortisole’s production started. Thus our life style contradicts the physiological functioning of our body. This results in to in-adequate and imperfect sleep ultimately leading to various malfunctioning, disorders, stress, and serious ailments.

Today stress is one of the important factors responsible for our most of the psycho-somatic disorders. In fact the stress and sleep are directly related. The present day life style and working conditions are bound to create a disturbed sleeping pattern. The adequate and proper sleep is essential for healthy mental and physical growth. Usually in absence of ideal sleep, a person will behave in the following manners:
(a)the mental consolidation and physical repair and rebuilding do not take place.
(b)when one wakes up with an alarm clock after 5-6 hours of sleep, he/she is mentally irritable throughout the day due to lack of REM sleep.
(c)if somebody has slept for less than 5 hours, the body is in a complete physical mess due tolack of non-REM sleep, the person is tired throughout the day and immunity is way down.

If a person wants to remain ‘swasthya’ he must avoid inadequate and improper sleep. But often people fail to do so because of compulsions of modern life styles. So what is the remedy? The answer lies in the Indian yogic tradition called ‘yoga nidra’. The ‘yoga nidra’ is a guided practice of relaxation and ‘pratyahar’ i.e. withdrawing the mind from external sense objects and directing it inwards. It is a practice of progressive relaxation from muscular to mental followed by emotional and deep psychic level which enables the practitioner to enter and explore deep layers of mind one by one. The contents of mind spontaneously surface up. Long forgotten impressions can rise in to the conscious realm. This helps us to understand many of our attitudes, habits and reactions in the light of this newfound knowledge. It is only possible to connect with the self when in a totally relaxed state. If anything is bothering the body and mind, the connection is not possible unless one learns to transcend that disturbance consciously and then relax at will.

Nidra - a restorative process

The ‘yoga nidra’ is usually practiced by under the verbal guidance of a ‘guru’ or instructions given through an audio recording. Technically it is a guided practice having following six stages:-
(1) Preparation and relaxation – it requires some aerobic exercises and few asanas which activate muscles as well as tone up the body. After that for few minutes deep breath in ‘shavasana’ is practiced followed by completely relaxed body with slow and relaxed breath.
(2) Resolve – in this stage we mentally prepare ourselves for ‘yoga nidra’ by keeping eyes closed and relaxing our mind. This stage persists for few minutes. 
(3) Rotation of consciousness on body parts – here we start taking our attention for few seconds to various parts of the body especially from foot to head and ultimately to entire body. 
(4) Breath control – in ‘shavasana’ breath automatically becomes short and relaxed but sometimes deep breath is also advised.
(5) Visualization – This stage have two sub-stages i.e. floating body and tunnel of chidakasha. In floating body stage we see below our body lying in ‘shavasana’ on the floor and we watch silently activities performed by other people. We move outside the room and experience that our body is floating like cloud. In tunnel of‘chidakasha’ we withdraw our mind and concentrate it on the space in front of the fore head. It is called ‘chidakasha’.
(6) Ending the practice – In the end we become aware of our body and natural breath. Gradually externalize the mind and senses. Start moving various parts of the body.

In the practice of ‘yoga nidra’ the consciousness rests between the fully awake state and the sleep state. One is aware of one’s dream state, but not of one’s environment. One remains in sub-conscious state. It provides total physical, mental and emotional relaxation. Physical relaxation provides rest and the opportunities for the body to rejuvenate and heal. Mental relaxation allows mental conditionings and defences to be dropped. All expectations, logic and preconceived ideas are pushed aside and one enters in to the state of one’s self, releasing many self created tensions. During ‘yoga nidra’ emotional relaxation allows suppressed emotions to surface up in to conscious awareness. This can put an end to stressful, emotionally charged situations in the past. Thus ‘yoga nidra’ is a very powerful tool for combating stress of any kind and for the management of any disease.

Inadequate and improper sleep is responsible for negative attitudes like worry, depression, frustration, anger, jealousy, revenge, fear, anxiety, insecurity etc. responsible for negative state of mind which ultimately adversely affects our immune system. The psycho-somatic disorders are very common under such circumstances.  A person must be very careful in eating proper food, exercising, and maintaining proper weight but if he miss proper and adequate sleep i.e. minimum 7 hours, it may turn fatal. Therefore we are killing ourselves if we are sleeping less than 7 hours even if we have low stress. 

Yoga Nidra - Unification with cosmos

Yoga nidra helps in overcoming all these negative aspects of mind. It releases muscle tension, lower blood pressure, slow down the heart rate and regulate breathing. Further it heals the damaged body, the damages caused by various diseases. It’s regular practice energizes both body and mind and counter negative impacts of life style on body. It’s practice is very simple and any one can do it even while travelling by car, train or bus or in office. It is the easiest and simplest method to get rid of from various types of fatigues. It is so simple that anyone can learn it and practice it. Our ancestors developed it long back for the benefit of the humanity.

Thus we find ‘yoga nida’ a wonderful tool to counteract various adverse consequences coming out from the so called modern life style.

Audio recording for practicing 'yoga Nidra' by Sri Sri

मन एवं मस्तिष्क से सम्बंधित कतिपय पृच्छाये

क्या यह सही है की मानव मस्तिष्क (brain) का मात्र 4% से 7% भाग ही सक्रिय (active) रहता है शेष निष्क्रिय (passive). अभी तक केवल कुछ व्यक्तियों ने ही अधिकतम 11% मस्तिष्क का ही प्रयोग किया है.

यदि ऐसा है तो क्या यह by default है अथवा किसी उद्देश्य के तहत प्रकृति ने किया है, विकास के क्रम में निष्क्रिय मस्तिष्क नष्ट क्यों नहीं हो सका ?

क्या किसी प्रक्रिया के द्वारा निष्क्रिय (passive) मस्तिष्क को सक्रिय (active) किया जा सकता है. प्रक्रिया और उसकी authenticity क्या है?

मस्तिष्क आघात (brain hemorrhage) के कतिपय मामलों में कभी कभी व्यक्ति में असीमित शक्ति का प्रादुर्भाव हो जाता है और उस पर काबू पाने के लिए कई व्यक्तिओं को प्रयत्न करना पड़ता है. ऐसा क्यों और कैसे होता है? क्या चिकित्सा विज्ञान के पास इस असीमित शक्ति के प्रादुर्भाव का कोई explanation है?

कही ऐसा तो नहीं की अचानक अघात के परिणाम स्वरुप मस्तिष्क के कतिपय केंद्र सक्रिय हो गए हो जिनकी वजह से असीमित शक्ति का प्रादुर्भाव हो जाता है. यदि यह सही है तो क्या मस्तिष्क के इन केन्द्रों को सक्रिय करने की कोई नियोजित एवं नियंत्रित प्रक्रिया है?

जिन मरीजो को कई दिनों, हफ्ते अथवा महीनो बिस्तर पर लेटना होता है उनकी करवट नियमित अंतराल के पश्चात बदलनी पड़ती है. इस प्रक्रिया की आवश्यकता क्या bed sores रोकने के अतिरिक्त भी है?

क्या मस्तिष्क पर breathing pattern का डायरेक्ट प्रभाव है? यदि nostril breathing के स्थान पर oral breathing की जाय तो मस्तिष्क पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा?

मस्तिष्क पर  carbon di oxide की concentration का क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा?

Saturday 7 November 2015

वैदिक काल गणना

मुहूर्त निर्धारण के लिए काल और उसकी गणना आवश्यक है। वैदिक मनीषियों ने काल को  लघुतम और बृहत्तर इकाई मे बाँट कर काल गणना तंत्र विकसित किया था। इस तंत्र की सबसे छोटी इकाई क्रति जो सैकंड का 34000 वां  भाग है तथा महाकल्प गणना की सबसे बड़ी इकाई है। विश्व का सबसे बड़ा और वैज्ञानिक समय गणना तंत्र ( time calculating system) नीचे दिया जा रहा है:-

क्रति = सैकंड का 34000 वाँ भाग
त्रुति  = सैकंड का 300 वाँ भाग
• 2 त्रुति= 1 लव
• 1लव  = 1 क्षण
• 30 क्षण= 1 विपल
• 60 विपल = 1 पल
• 60 पल =  1 घडी (24 मिनट)
• 2.5 घडी = 1 होरा ( 1 घंटा)
• 24 होरा = 1 दिवस ( दिन)
• 7 दिवस = 1 सप्ताह
• 4 सप्ताह = 1 माह
• 2 माह = 1 ऋतू
• 6 ऋतू = 1 वर्ष
• 100 वर्ष = 1 शताब्दी
• 10 शताब्दी = 1 सहस्त्राब्दी
• 432 सहस्त्राब्दी = 1 युग
• 2 युग = 1 द्वापर युग
• 3 युग = 1 त्रेता युग
• 4 युग = सतयुग
सतयुग + त्रेतायुग + द्वापरयुग + कलियुग = 1 महायुग
• 76 महायुग = मनवन्तर
• 1000 महायुग = 1 कल्प
• 1 नित्य प्रलय = 1 महायुग ( धरती पर जीवन अंत और फिर आरम्भ)
• 1 नैमिति का प्रलय = 1 कल्प ( देवों का अंत और जन्म )
महाकाल = 730 कल्प ( ब्रह्मा का अंत और जन्म)
सम्पूर्ण विश्व का सबसे बड़ा और वैज्ञानिक समय गणना तंत्र यही है, जो आर्यावर्त(भारत वर्ष ) में बना। अब प्रश्न यह उठता है कि यह गणना तंत्र क्या मात्र बुद्धि विलास के लिए मात्र एक अटकलवाजी है और यदि नही तो इस तंत्र का विकास क्यो, कैसे, किसके लिए और  किसलिए किया गया। इसका क्या उपयोग था। काल की इतनी सूक्ष्म गणना करने की तकनीक क्या थी।जो सभ्यता इस काल गणना तंत्र को विकसित करके उसका सफलतापूर्वक प्रयोग कर रही हो तो क्या विज्ञान एवं जीवन के अन्य क्षेत्रो मे उस सभ्यता ने प्रगति नही की होगी।  
                                                                                                                            -डा.॰ रविकांत जैन